
Posts Tagged ‘determination’

We share the same humanity, we share our need for purpose, identity and community – even if we prefer our own company and solitude. Our lives consist of ebb and flow, coming and going, life and death. We may struggle to make our mark, to make ends meet, to be creative and fulfilled. We have dreams, hopes, disappointments, drama and trauma. Often, we look from afar to others for support and guidance, and are attracted by their creative expression, wisdom and aura. “We absolutely have to tell the world, show the world, that there is a collective responsibility to act. We share the same humanity and we cannot continue to allow economic wars to be fought on women’s bodies.”

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You eat a delicious, satisfying dinner, feel full to the brim, but when the beautiful question ‘Should we get dessert?’ comes around, it’s always a yes — satisfaction for the sweet moment but could dismay afterwards.

It’s true, we always have room for desserts, whether we indulge that sensation with dessert or not (kudos if you have the willpower) but the sweet sensation is an satisfaction for a moment. Satisfaction is a great feeling it comes and disappears. The sensation of (accomplished) satisfaction is addictive as sweet but it grows to stay.

This sensation or feeling is what our human body drives we are prewired to drive on the (sweet) primary success even the smallest s give you the drive for more even we are full. With the willpower we can control our next step to accomplish more as the taste of success is like our desert (but definitive healthier). Success is sweet and can be as addictive.

In our lives from young to the far end we need to remind our self that the smallest accomplishments are the mayor building block for who we are today and will be tomorrow and in the future. Tell Your Children sweet is appealing. But accomplishments create appetite and warrants success, thats is real sweet.

And lets try to remember “Happiness comes from accomplishments”

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Today is International Women’s Day and as such I would like to honor all the (professional) woman in my life, past and present, who have fueled, organized, and grown the businesses I have teamed up with over the course of my career. These women have enabled my personal and professional growth and have also allowed me to see the world through another’s eyes. For this, and the countless other ways these women enhance our businesses, our industries, our communities, and our lives, I thank them, today, and every day.

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Every year I look back on the biggest challenges that life brings us but also looking at the greatest opportunities what came to us with thanks. Life never hands out things that you can’t handle. How you approach it will determine how you come through the other side. You can assume the victim role and feel sorry for yourself, or you can reach into the essence of who you are and find your inner strength. Then demand the self-worth and ability to rise up and meet your challenges heart on. You need to believe you can do this — you are powerful, you are amazing and you are inspirational!

Today we are giving thanks to all who have been supportive and kept us going from darkness to the ultimate light. From unconnected to be connected. This is just another year I praise to be surrounded by my beloved ones, my advisors and supporters, my team of smart developers and engineers and all those appreciated connections from around the world. Happy Thanksgiving. Thanks for your continued support @Kumbaya

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Imagine the 600 Million illiterate people living in the poorest, off-grid rural villages and neighborhoods in need of major change. While change began years ago with the proliferation of small home solar systems that provide energy access, today Kumbaya has laid the ground work for accessibility to not only the much-needed power and light, but also to “network connectivity’ that ensures access to the basic necessities to transform illiteracy in to knowledge. At Kumbaya, our focus is developing the technologies to ensure we have a platform that allows our user to acquire the necessary skills and basic education.

Why education? Despite great progress in the last few years, millions of children are still denied their right to education. Restricted access to education is one of the surest ways of transmitting poverty from generation to generation. Education is a vital human right. Every girl and every boy should have the right to a quality education so that they can have more opportunities in life, including employment, better health and the possibility to participate in the political process. At Kumbaya, we believe the most important period to acquire the basics are the first years. This is when we must ensure that children learn to read, count, and acquire the necessary life skills to form the basic fundaments for continued learning throughout their lives.

Children who have access to quality early childhood programs do better in primary school and will have better academic outcomes later. It is vital that low and lower middle-income nations invest more in affordable early childhood programs.

Our Kumbaya connected platform was designed for the most vulnerable and marginalized groups, those who are most likely living in rural off grid communities and affected because of a lack of electrification and connectivity. In most of these areas, the high illiteracy rates are due to non-existent or unsuitable education infrastructure, lack of trained teachers and inadequate learning materials.

We are often asked, “Why is educating girls in rural Africa your emphasis?”

Educated girls and women tend to be healthier, have fewer children, earn more income and provide better health care for themselves and their future children. These benefits also are transmitted from generation to generation and across communities at large, making girls’ education one of the best investments a country can make.

Any form of support is welcome.

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Women in particular struggle to get funding. They face huge barriers despite a wealth of evidence that has shown that investing in women has a transformative impact on their whole community: Income in the hands of a mother influences child’s health that’s almost 20 times greater than when controlled by a father – United Nations Development Program study


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At that moment when you feel chaos and collapse all around you, know and trust that you can reverse the situation.

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inspiredIf we do what we want to do, what we have to do and what is needed, nobody has to tell us what you have to do. If we get more it’s because we give more, we do more. Compassion is important, but it’s more important to tend to our responsibilities. Let the new year inspire us to be inspired, responsible and giving. Let us show our inner strength to our loved ones to help improve their daily routines to do what’s needed.

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procrastinationFalling into bad habits like laziness, procrastination, and an attitude of entitlement.

You may recognize some of your (many) behaviors that are like this, which have a trigger which is relatively easy to perform, but cascades effort to the rest of the behavior.  We can combat our human weakness by taking responsibility when others won’t. Lets start today.
If you can establish the trigger as a habit, the rest will follow:
  • Exercising – Commit to going to the gym.
  • Learning – Read at least one page.
  • Socializing – Say hello to one person.
  • Writing – Write a paragraph on any topic
Clever planning matters more than inexhaustible endurance. Invest your energy, not just in trying to stick to your goals, but in designing goals which are easier to stick with.

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